Good interview,
bad hire?

Hire Smarter uses data to reveal a candidate’s job fit before you hire them.

Welcome to Predictive Talent Management

Trusted by teams of all sizes

“ServiceTitan’s success is directly tied to the success of its people. Hire Smarter helps us maintain our high standards of performance by providing visibility into who we hire, what to coach them on, and what kind of promotions they would be great for.”

Chris Petros, CRO - ServiceTitan

Join the rush of sales and support leaders taking control over talent management.

Reveal job fit for any position.

Hire Smarter generates insights in relation to any job so you can make more informed hiring decisions.

Psychology + Data Science

Hire Smarter’s proprietary machine learning finds patterns in any job’s successful people then measures how candidates stack up.

It's more than just hiring.


With Hire Smarter you can become a great coach on day-1. Reveal communication preferences, learning styles, and start to address potential problem areas immediately.


Retain people longer by making sure you have a career path that suits their strengths. Groom people for future positions by identifying what they’ll need to work on ahead of time.

"Coaching isn’t a one size fits all job, the art lies in personalizing an approach for everyone on my team.  Hire Smarter gives me immediate visibility to what motivates my people and where their blind spots are. I become an effective coach from day-one rather than waiting months to learn these things."

Gabriel Sierra, Service Desk Manager

Ready to help the right people succeed in the right jobs?